Monday 15 April 2013

Inspired by Audrey

Today I've been inspired by my absolute favourite beauty of all time, Audrey Hepburn. I would say my re-incarnation is her 50's look as she changed her make up and styling through the decades.

Although I didn't necessarily want to copy her look, I really wanted to get her brows but with my wirey, black, stubborn hairs there was no chance!

Oh to look as classically beautiful, fun and intriguing as Miss. A Hepburn...

Image coutesy of
I didn't really do Audrey justice, particularly with my photograph. I wanted to do a red lip as I just love this particular lipstick (Marigold by Elizabeth Arden) and it feels very 50's.

I like my eyeliner flicks though and, although the pic's not great, my hair is giving good Audrey today.

Red lip removed and I think I prefer it this way afterall. There's still a bit of lippy so my lips aren't nude and my brows are back to normal. The below make up certainly suits me better.

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